Surgical Treatments
At Nashville Hair Clinic we offer a full range of all the state-of-the art surgical procedures performed in the world.
After we determine the nature of your hair loss, our specialists can recommend the best medical or surgical treatment for your specific type of hair loss.
Contact Us Today!
329 18th Ave N, Nashville, TN 37203

Single-unit graft surgery (Micro-graft surgery)
If you suffer from mild hair loss or if you want to redefine your frontal hair line, then this is the best type of surgery for you. The superb, natural results that we can achieve with single unit grafts is outstanding. Our patients are amazed with the results obtained with this type of procedure.

NHC Bundles (Multi-unit graft surgery)
For many years Dr. Marvel and his team of specialist have been working with several types and sizes of multi-unit grafts; they concluded that every patient is different, and just a Multi-unit graft surgery may not be a solution for everyone.
At Nashville Hair Clinic, we go one step forward, customizing those multi-unit grafts depending on your type of hair and the extent of your hair loss. In this way, we avoid the “grafty” appearance that some patients have after a multi-unit graft surgery. We called those multi-units “NHC Bundles”.
During your consultation, we will analyze your situation to determine if you would benefit from our NHC Bundles.

F.U.E. (Follicular Unit Extraction)
Follicular Unit Extraction Surgery may be recommended for certain patients. In our Clinic, we offer one of the best methods of extraction, The S.A.F.E. Technique. This method combines the dexterity of human hands with the technology of a motorized extraction; thus, we decide which follicle should be extracted rather than random extraction that occurs with computerized methods.
The type of grafts we obtain with our SAFE motorized follicular unit extraction, exceeds the quality of any other FUE method. If you are a good candidate for this type of surgery, you may rest assured that at Nashville Hair Clinic you will have the best results possible.