5 Common Questions About Hair Transplants

Hair loss affects millions of men and women across the country, and hair transplantation is the only permanent solution. It's a procedure that has been around for decades but suffers from some reservation from patients. We are here to answer the most common questions about hair transplants and what you can expect.
Is there only one option of transplant surgery?
No. There are quite a few options that provide patients with their desired results. There are a couple of surgical options as well as non-surgical options. We've outlined them below.
FUE stands for Follicular Unit Extraction. The procedure is precise and extracts one hair from the head at a time and places it in a new location. It's an ideal choice for those who have smaller balding areas.
It stands for Follicular Unit Transplant. Where FUE took individual hairs, this one takes an entire strip in one go to move to a new area. It can help those who have larger bald spots to cover.
Platelet Rich Plasma
No surgery is needed for this one. The method targets the blood, both the red cells and plasma. The doctor takes a sample of your blood mixes it then injects it back into the scalp to improve hair count, thickness, and growth.
Scalp Micro Pigmentation
This method simulates the appearance of a full head of hair. It uses small dots on the scalp to produce the look of hair follicles. The entire procedure is intricate but doesn't require any surgery.
Are the results from a hair transplant permanent?
Absolutely! If you decide to have surgical treatment, the hair is harvested from your own body. It won’t get rejected. Also, the doctor uses hairs that haven't been affected by androgenetic alopecia (the fancy word for pattern baldness) which means they won't fall back out. Even the non-surgical provides permanent solutions to hair loss.
What should I expect from the transplant procedure?
Let's start with the consultation. It's the initial meeting with you and your doctor to talk about your problems and any concerns. He can inspect your scalp and make recommendations based on his findings. From there you discuss treatment options, how long it will take, and the final cost.
The procedure starts with the doctor "mapping" out the hairline and the area that will receive the donor hairs. Once you are both satisfied with the look, hairs are extracted from the back or side of the head and implanted into their new home.
What does the recovery process look like?
Regarding work, you can go back the next day if you so choose. Your doctor will outline specific post-op instructions, but you should expect to avoid strenuous exercise for the next three days. You'll also need to stay away from any form of blood thinner like ibuprofen. It could result in unnecessary bleeding. Discomfort is expected, but since you can't use over the counter medication, you'll get a mild narcotic. Sometimes antibiotics are prescribed to prevent infection and Prednisone to reduce swelling.
Are there any side-effects from the surgery?
As we just mentioned, there will be some swelling after the procedure. It can last for about two to three days. Depending on where the surgery took place on the scalp, some individuals find there is swelling on the forehead and around the eyes. It's very normal, and the medications from the doctor will help.
There is also some mild shedding. Don't be alarmed. It's part of the process! The scalp went through a lot while under surgery. Once the scalp recovers, the hairs will begin to grow back.
If you think hair transplantation might be right for you give us a call at 615-257-1496.