The Leading Cause of Hair Loss in Men

While hair loss can take place anywhere on the body, balding/baldness refers to excessive hair loss on the scalp. Although you can lose hair from stress or dietary issues, for most men it's a result of male-pattern baldness. This is a hereditary condition that usually presents itself as you age. It's directly linked with hormones, so while it usually affects men as they age, it can ultimately take place any time after puberty.
Causes of Male-Pattern Baldness
Male or female, the average person loses about 100 hairs a day. This action doesn't usually result in noticeable thinning because there are always new hairs growing in succession. Hair loss is a result of a break in the cycle. It's when something blocks the regrowth and development of new follicles. Regarding male-pattern baldness, it's affected by hormones.
Androgenic alopecia is the technical term for male-pattern baldness and is an irreversible condition inherited at birth. Because of its relationship with the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), hair loss can begin to occur as soon as the body experiences higher levels of testosterone after puberty. Though the factors of this issue are unknown, what is clear is its ability to affect both males and females equally.
Usually, hair grows and then remains in a resting phase. This process can take 2 to 6 years and only starts over when the hair falls out naturally. When your hair is exposed to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or other androgens, it spends more time resting than growing. Because balding doesn’t happen immediately, the balding process can take years, first thinning before it stops producing hair altogether.
Symptoms of Male-Pattern Baldness
There are a few different ways in which pattern baldness plays out. Whether suddenly or gradually, it takes place on the scalp and only the scalp and usually falls under a classification as identified by the Norwood Scale.

Class I - An anterior or juvenile hairline. Someone who is not balding but sees a reduction in hairs near the upper brow crease.
Class II - Changes of the "mature" hairline, with noticeable but still entry level hair loss. Takes place above the brow and includes a few temporal recessions.
Class III - Is the on-set of male-pattern baldness. There is an increase in hair loss along the temporal region.
Class III Vertex - Early hair loss in the crown.
Class IV - Enhanced hair loss on the vertex in addition to the front. Patients in this stage still have some hair that runs across the top and vertex.
Class V - The balding is starting to spread and begins to deplete the hair-splitting up the hair that bridges together the top and vertex.
Class VI - Takes place when the bridge of hair is completely gone leaving a bald spot on the front and top while there is still hair on the sides of the scalp.
Class VII - Patients at this level have only a wreath of hair around the back and sides.
Hair Restoration for Male Pattern Baldness
Hair restoration is the only permanent solution for hair loss. It works two ways. Follicular Unit Transplant moves individual hairs from one part of the body to another. This process is perfect for smaller, concentrated areas. Follicular Unit Extraction uses larger strips of skin and hair to cover more significant bald spots including the crown area. Speaking with one of our staff members can help you decided which option is right for you.
If you are ready for a more permanent solution, click here to learn more and contact us today to schedule a consultation. For a limited time, you can receive $250 off your procedure when you book a consultation, call 615-635-0892 today!