Top Causes of Thinning Hair

Hair loss affects men and women alike. Hereditary issues and individual lifestyle choices can cause hair to become weak and brittle, thus breaking and resulting in a thinner head of hair. The good news for many is once the stressor is identified and eliminated, the hair will return to its natural volume. If you're concerned about the thickness of your hair, we've compiled a list of the most common reasons why your hair is thinning and some tips to help you fix the issue.
Physical Stress
Telogen effluvium is defined as any physical trauma, such as a car accident or severe illness, that causes hair loss. When your body has undergone extreme shock, it can produce an abundance of hormones that block the growth cycle and pushes hair into the shedding phase. The good news is this type of hair loss is temporary and will grow back once the body has healed from other ailments.
Many blood thinners and blood-pressure drugs are known to cause hair to thin out. Your hair needs blood flow to the scalp to stimulate growth. These types of medications lower the amount each follicle is receiving. Other medications that can also cause hair thinning include anti-inflammatory drugs and antidepressants.
Not Enough Protein
Protein is great for maintaining hair strength. The body rations out nutrients, giving priority to the most vital organs. If you are not consuming enough protein, you will probably notice lots of hair loss due to excess breakage. You can maintain healthy levels of protein in your diet by eating more meats, eggs, and dairy products. For vegetarians, look to nuts and seeds.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Roughly 5 million women in America suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, a hormonal imbalance in which the ovaries produce too much testosterone. High levels of testosterone in the female body cause many women to see thinning of hair on the scalp. Treatment for this condition is handled with birth control and other testosterone blocking medications.
Your Scalp is Dehydrated
A dry, flaky, or itchy scalp can cause a lot of unnecessary hair loss. Constant scratching weakens the cuticle encouraging the strand to break off. There are many reasons why someone might have a dry scalp, such as a lack of water, overuse of styling products with alcohol, and having dry skin. If you suffer from a dry scalp try coconut oil hair masks. Just use a tablespoon of liquid coconut oil and massage into the scalp and hair for 15 minutes before rinsing.
Emotional Stress
Stress also plays a huge role in the health of your body. Too much of it and the body begins to function incorrectly. Hormone levels are significantly affected by high levels of anxiety, which isn’t good for hair growth. If you are suffering from anxiety or stress-related hair loss, the good news is, more often than not, this type of hair loss is not permanent. Once the stress levels reside, often individuals will experience hair regrowth.
Too Much Styling
This shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise, but high heats and lots of daily styling can cause a lot of damage to the tresses. In most women who use heated appliances, damages are found at the ends rather than the roots. To combat the stress that is put on the hair during styling, use a hair protectant. Another way to avoid hair loss is to limit the number of times you shampoo your hair during the week. Dry shampoos are a good option for those oily roots in between washes!
Healthy hair cycles start with the growth phase, then rests, before eventually falling out. This process repeats itself unless something interrupts it, such as hypothyroidism. Your body works by taking the nutrients you feed it and dispersing them throughout the body. However, the moment you develop an illness, your body focuses on feeding the parts of the body that are vital to staying alive. If you suspect your hair loss is associated with your thyroid, see your doctor who can prescribe medications to restore balance to the body.
Androgenetic Alopecia
In many cases, hair loss is directly related to androgenic alopecia, sometimes known as pattern baldness. Surprisingly this issue affects over half the American population, both men and women. Usually, hair grows and then remains in a resting phase. This process can take 2 to 6 years and only starts over when the hair falls out naturally. When your hair is exposed to DHT or other androgens, it spends more time resting than growing. Balding doesn't happen immediately and sometimes takes years for the thinning hairs to stop growing altogether.
We are committed to helping our patients feel comfortable with the diagnosis and treatment of thinning hair and use only the latest hair restoration techniques to assure the most natural looking results.
If you are ready to see what hair restoration can do for you, call 615-635-0892 to book your consultation today!