The Most Common Hair Growth Myths

Everyone loses hair. In fact, most people will lose between 50 to 100 hairs each day from routine activities. Many individuals see hair loss and immediately assume the worst. It's understandable when we lose our hair we don't feel like ourselves anymore. If you notice an extra few strands floating away, not all is lost! That's why we thought we would put together some of the biggest myths about hair loss.
You Get Your Hair Loss Genes from Your Mother
Most people think hair loss is passed down from the mother’s side of the family, which is not true. The actual genetic involvement is made up of a myriad of contributing factors and not isolated to the mother’s genes. The best way to ascertain whether or not androgenic alopecia will affect you is to look at members of your family on both sides. If your father is suffering from hair loss, it is entirely possible the condition will be passed along. Though pattern baldness is predominately found in males, women could determine their outcome by recognizing any female pattern baldness on either side of her own family.
All Hair Loss is Genetic
According to The Calm Clinic, stress can cause many conditions that lead to hair loss. These include:
Alopecia Areata: Sudden loss of large clumps of hair in areas around your scalp.
Telogen Effluvium: This is a condition where more hairs than usual prepare to fall out.
Trichotillomania: This is a chronic condition caused by stress and anxiety where the person pulls out hairs without realizing it.
If you are suffering from anxiety or stress-related hair loss, the good news is, more often than not, this type of hair loss is not permanent. Once the stressors are removed, individuals will experience hair regrowth.
Diet Does Not Play a Role in Hair Loss
A poor diet that lacks significantly in iron can cause hair loss, especially in extreme cases when you’re anemic. If you are anemic, your body instantly goes into a survival mode with your body focusing on supplying oxygen to the major organs. To do so, the body will take oxygen from other areas that aren’t deemed as necessary – like your hair for example. Some women who experience heavy periods, extreme fatigue or weakness may have a low iron supply and should seek out their doctor for testing. Usually, through supplements and diet change, many women can get their iron levels back up to a healthy level and find that their hair regrows both healthy and shiny.
Only Men Suffer from Hair Loss
Androgenetic alopecia is a fancy term for pattern baldness, something most of us associate specifically with men, but women are affected too. In fact, female pattern baldness will affect up to 30 million American women. Most women who suffer from this inherited gene will see thinning at the hairline (the area where your bangs would sit) and in some cases throughout the entire scalp. Unlike men, women with androgenetic alopecia will never go completely bald. If you’re curious to know if this will affect you - your own mother’s (or grandmother’s) hairline is a good indicator. A trip to the doctor can confirm if this is the cause of your hair loss and help determine a treatment plan right for you.
Dandruff Only Effects the Condition of Your Scalp
Dandruff occurs as a result of hormonal changes, certain fungal infections, and general illnesses. It affects nearly half the population at some point in their lives and the majority of those affected, will not see any loss of hair. However, dandruff dries out the scalp creating a very itchy environment. Aggressive scratching can weaken and break your hair off at the roots, which might be why you notice your hair thinning.