Best Solutions for Female Hair Loss

Many circumstances throughout a woman’s life can cause hair loss, such as giving birth or dealing with high levels of stress. Surprisingly, however, one-third of women in the United States will experience thinning or balding as they age. Fortunately, hair loss does not have to be permeant as there are now several options available to regain a full head of hair. Let’s take a look at the best options and treatments available.
Understanding Female Hair Loss
Like men, females also suffer from pattern baldness. The hormone androgen, which regulates hair growth, affects the growth cycle by creating a longer than average resting stage. With pattern baldness, bald spots do not appear overnight. Instead, each hair cycle the hair follicle returns thinner and shorter, meaning balding takes place over time.
Unfortunately, in either sex, pattern baldness is inherited, and hair loss cannot be reversed.
Non-surgical Hair Loss Options
A typical hair cycle starts with the growth phase, then rests, before eventually falling out. This process repeats itself unless something interrupts it, such as hormones or extreme stress. Your body works by taking the nutrients you feed it and disperses them throughout the body. When your health is at its best, these nutrients are distributed everywhere.
Pattern baldness doesn't occur in women as early as it does in men, so if a woman has yet to go through menopause and is experiencing hair loss the issue will probably rectify itself if you take stock of your physical health.
Some of the issues that could cause premature hair loss in women are:
Extreme dieting
Birth control
Female Hair Loss and Your Thyroid
The moment you develop an illness, your body focuses on feeding the parts of the body that need repair and are vital to staying alive, such as the liver and heart. A malfunctioning thyroid links to unbalanced hormones, which can affect the hair growth and health. Often the medications prescribed can cause hair loss as a side effect due to the impact on the hormones. Supplementing with Biotin, a great multivitamin, and upping your protein intake is a great place to start when you have thyroid issues.
Before seeking a hair transplant, speak with your general practitioner to see if there are lifestyle changes that will help with your hair loss.
Transplant Options
Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)
FUT is also referred to as the STRIP Harvesting method because it involves removing a strip of hair from the back of your head and transplanting it the area you want to stimulate growth. The STRIP Harvesting technique removes follicular sections in a large group, which allows the units to remain intact while they are extracted. This process is faster than other methods since the hair is removed in one large unit. If done carefully, the scarring is minimal, and the patient can normally still wear short hair after the area has healed. Local anesthesia is also used to lessen any possible discomfort.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
FUE is a hair transplant procedure that is much less invasive, does not involve cutting, and does not result in linear scars. A trained technician uses a specially developed device to extract individual follicles of hair and reinserts them into the target area, usually one follicle at a time. This particular process is fantastic because it is precise and allows the doctor more control over the results. FUE is also much more comfortable for the patient.
Nashville Hair Clinic offers patients the latest and the best hair treatments available. They look forward to helping you enhance your looks and boost your confidence. Call 615-635-0892 to learn more about the treatments we offer!