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Are You Ready for Hair Transplantation Surgery? 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

Your hair is your identity, so when it starts to thin or recede, it can be stressful. Fortunately, there are several options now available to help restore the look and feel of your hair. But how do you know it’s time to consider hair restoration? Let’s take a look.

1. Have You been balding for 5 or more years?

Noticing thinning hair or finding a bald spot can be incredibly worrying. It would be natural to start thinking of ways to prevent further hair loss the moment it starts, but if you’re considering hair transplantation, it is best approached after 5+ years of balding. Because hair loss doesn’t happen all at once, waiting until you’ve experienced thinning, balding hair for a substantial amount of time will give the doctor a better understanding of the pattern of hair loss. This will enable a tailored plan of action to make sure you get natural looking results.

2. Are You the appropriate age?

Hair loss can take place at any age after puberty, but many doctors believe that it is important to wait until you are of an appropriate age before undergoing surgery. Some doctors recommend waiting until you are at least 30 years old, arguing that undergoing the process any sooner could yield unnatural looking results. More than likely, at a younger age, you haven’t had enough time to lose a substantial amount of hair, which means after the surgery you could still go on to lose more hair in other areas. If you are under 30, it’s advised to speak to your doctor about maintaining the hair you still have before opting for hair transplantation surgery.

3. Have You ruled out stress and depression?

Stress and depression don't just affect your mood; they can wreak havoc on your entire body. Depression is usually categorized by low mood, discouragement, and low self-esteem. Many individuals feel a lack of motivation and overall energy when they are depressed. Stress or anxiety fairs similarly to depression, but it activates the hormone cortisol. Either way, the body is going through a difficult time, and rather than sending nutrients throughout your entire body, it sends it to the vital organs. Before you invest in hair transplantation procedure, you'll want to rule out any possibility of mood-related hair loss as it will have an impact on your results.

4. Is your thyroid is healthy?

Just like emotions affect your mood, so does your thyroid. Hair growth isn't continuous. A normal cycle starts with the growth phase, then rests, before eventually falling out. This process repeats itself unless something interrupts it, such as hormones from your thyroid. Your body works by taking the nutrients you feed it and dispersing them throughout the body. When your health is at its best, these nutrients are distributed everywhere. But the moment you develop an illness, your body focuses on feeding the parts of the body that need repair and are vital to staying alive, such as the liver and heart. There is a difference between hair loss from disease and hormonal hair loss, such as pattern baldness. Pattern baldness occurs around the front of the hairline or the crown. Hair loss from disease thins out evenly all over the scalp.

5. Do you have realistic expectations?

Hair transplantation can take the time to settle and grow. Usually, after the procedure takes place, the transplanted hairs can fall back out again. They do grow back, but it can take months to a year before you will be able to style, dye, and cut. Patience is key in this process, and if you are willing to wait, the reward will be the natural, healthy head of hair you once had.

At Nashville Hair Clinic we provide you with the latest advancement of all hair transplants. To learn more about what we do, call our offices at 615-635-0892 to speak to a member of our staff. For a limited time, we are offering $250 off your procedure when you book a consultation.

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